Monday, October 5, 2009

This Weekend...

I had off on Friday so I went up to Robyn & Brian's Thursday after work for dinner & to sleep over. There's some odd things you can learn about people when in their "natural habitat". Brian, for instance, loves to do the laundry & fold the clothes. He is very particular about his clothes folding. He even folds Robyns thongs (please see video below). Now, isn't that odd?

Friday morning Robyn & I dropped the girls off at school then went shopping all day. Now that is a great day off, wouldn't you say? We picked the girls up in the afternoon & then went to see Grandma Steele in the nursing home. Oh man, that was fun! Right Robyn??? After seeing her we headed to Mom & Dad's for dinner and to visit with Grandma O (who is now living with them). I forgot to take pics the rest of the night and weekend...what a slacker.
Saturday we did some errands and then went out for dinner. Nothing special. Sunday we did some work around the house and then headed over to Casa de Nelson's for Sunday pasta dinner with the family.

Robyn, Kaelyn, Maddie & Tessie (notice the band around Grandma's ankle? that's because she was a flight risk because she was trying to leave the nursing home to go out & smoke cigs). Classic Tessie.

The art of folding a thong:

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