Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Little VM For The Soul

Last night John & I went to Foxwood's to see Van Morrison perform. He's old....but still good. He sang some of his greatest hits...And It Stoned Me, Gloria, Brown Eyed Girl, and Northern Muse-Solid Ground. I had a nice night with my cute husband. Oh! Listen to this one...he told everyone at work HE was taking ME to go see Van Morrison. Scuse me?? I'm the one who found the performance & bought the tickets all the way back in July! Can't a girl get a little credit here? : )

Here's the whole playlist:
Northern Muse- Solid Ground
Brown Eyed Girl
Fair Play
The Mystery in the Garden
Astral Weeks
Beside You
Slim Slow Slider
Sweet Thing
Cyrprus Avenue
The Way Lovers Do
Madame George
Help Me
The Healing has Begun

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