Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ding Dong Ditch

Growing up on a 1/2 mile dirt lane we only had a handful of neighbors and therefor, never got to experience what its like to be able to go outside & play with other neighborhood friends or go trick or treating in the neighborhood & I certainly never experienced a "Ding Dong Ditch". A couple years ago some of the kids in our neighborhood on Henry St did it- it scared the crap out of me & I had no idea what was going on. Of course John knew the deal & explained the whole concept behind it...and apparently he had done it on occasion back on Fillow Street growing up. To be fair, it is pretty funny to think about doing it- I wish I had been able to do it when I was younger. The other night the kids struck our house, only once...but they POUNDED on the door & the dogs went crazy which in turn made me scream. Those little weasels must have had a good laugh...I did once I got over beind scared to death. Watch this video of a good Ding Dong Ditch- I was crying at work from laughing so hard.
Katie- maybe this is something else you & Paul can take back to the UK with you!!!

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