Thursday, October 8, 2009

Are We Really In Fairfield, CT?

Where in Fairfield County do you find a dog hanging outside a store unattended??? John had to go to the bike store & pick up a new chain for a bike he got for FREE at the dump last week. We pull up to the store & sitting outside, just chillin is this dog that looked like Mylee. No collar, no leash..but just watching everyone walk right by. Apparently he is the bike owners dog & he just hangs outside all day and loves it. It was like being in a foreign country where people let their dogs roam loose around town & how some shop/restuarant owners bring their dogs to work & they just hang outside all day. It reminded me of when John & I were in Venice last year and a dog was just sitting at the outside cafe with us. (See video below).

Fairfield mutt just chillin:

Check out the dog hangin with us in Venice:

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