Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 7

Today is day 7 of my bet with John. Today I had pants I had to return to the GAP, ones that I bought before we made our bet. The GAP in Westport has 2 levels- when I purchased the pants they were on the second level. I asked the sales clerk if I could return the items on the bottom level (which I purposely did so I wouldn't be tempted to get anything else). She said I could. She started to do my return & asked if I wanted to exchange anything (NO, that is against the rules of the bet). So I said 'no thank you' and she continued. Then she tried to tell me about all the great sales they were having & I should check out the racks upstairs. B*TCH! NO! LEAVE ME ALONE. I walked out of there with a credit to my GAP card for $84.12.

Get the lotion out Johnny!!!!!!!!!

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