Monday, October 26, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray! We Actually Did Stuff!

Friday night John & I ended up making it a quiet night at home. We started a fire, threw down a blanket, got in our pj's & played board games. Mylee wanted to join in on the the family fun & bratty Tortilla was no where to be found (she's like our teenage kid who is too cool to hang with Mom & Dad)....
Saturday morning we got up early & headed to the city to pick up some furniture that I got off Craigslist. While we were there we met up with Aunt Paula, checked out her yoga studio & then went for brunch. It was great to see her & we thought it was so cute how proud she was of her studio. Good job AP! Then we headed home & I took my usual Saturday afternoon nap, John watched sports & puttered around the house. Then we went to dinner with Big G & Sue at Tombo- a Japanese hibachi restaurant..then headed to Stage One for a comedy act. What a nice double date!
Then Sunday we did some errands & I took another nap (I'm tired!!!!) then headed over to Katie & Paul's for our eagerly anticipated "English Sunday Roast" dinner, especially prepared by Katie & her Mum. John & I could have sat there all night eating...we devoured roast beef with gravy, roasted white potatoes, sweet potatoes and parsnips, red cabbage, broccoli and the kicker...Yorkshire pudding. Jealous? Now let me many portions are you allowed to take before it becomes piggish? We might have gone over our limit.

Game Night!

Notice anything Aunt Sue?

Paula's yoga studio

Paula & John

Me, John, Big G & Sue- what cute couples (if I do say so myself)

Puppies enjoying a warm fall day

Dinner at the Ritchie's

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