Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's Gonna Be A Long 19 Days

So I had a dream last memory is a little foggy & I can't remember all of it but two main parts that stick out are:

1) I went into some public bathroom & found a dirty scared cat sitting on one of the toilets. I picked him up & held him as I pee'd. While I was peeing I could look over the short stall & I saw a kid who used to live on Denton Lane (this was 20 years ago)- his name was Ryan Shaughnessy. I finished peeing & carried the cat on my hip for the rest of the day- as you would carry a baby around. (I think I was dreaming about cats because when Big G & Sue were over Monday night she was saying how allergic he is to cats).

2) I was then in some store (without the cat) with John. We were there to either sell raffle tickets or to collect donations for poor people. It just so happened that the store was having these amazing deals- everything was on sale!!!! I meandered over to the jewelry section & picked up a necklace & said "I want this!!"...then...put it back down & said out loud "Never mind- I don't need it. I want the back rub". (Obviously the damn bet is on my mind....also, John & I were just talking about volunteering for Thanksgiving before going to bed).

Isn't it amazing how your mind works when you are sleeping??

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