Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloweeeeeeen!

Since I don't post on weekends I thought I'd share some pics today of Mylee & Tortilla dressed in Halloween outfits. These are the best puppies in the world- look what good sports they were just so I could take pics of them for the blog. They got a lot of Charlie Bears for sitting thru this photo shoot.

Princess Mylee

(Is anyone else a litte freaked out at how PRETTY she looks?? The hair looks like it could really be hers...don't you think??)

Rainbow's the cool one in the family

Pumpkin Carving- Round II

Last night Mom N, Howard & Miss Nellie Nelson came over for dinner & pumpkin carving. I love that we've got family & friends that have come over to carve pumpkins with's like being little kids again and John & I have decided it is now our new family tradition. : )

Awwwww....look at the little baby pumpkins

Cute cute cute (I'm talkin about John)

Here's all our pumpkins that John, Katie, Paul, Mom N, Howard & myself did in the last week- with the camera flash on:

And here is all of our hard work with no flash:

John's snowman is my all time favorite- even comes with his own little red Santa cap & snow!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Remember to go to the Breast Cancer site every day & click to give a free mammogram to someone who can't afford one. You could help save a life by taking literally a minute out of your day to click on the "Click to Give Free Mammograms". There are also options to help save the rain forest- sponsors will pay for habitat protection, literacy- sponsors will pay for books, child health- sponsors will pay for healthcare, and animal rescue- sponsors will pay for food & care. You can even sign up to receive a reminder email every day so there is no excuses (oh..I forgot)..just do it! I swear that I do it every day Monday-Friday (weekends I'm not near my computer) can too!

2 More Days Ladies & Gentlemen...Just 2 More Days

The final countdown.
The final countdown (final countdown).
The final countdown.
Oh, it's the final countdown.
The final countdown.
The final countdown. (final countdown)

The final countdown.
The final countdown (final countdown).
The final countdown.
Oh, it's the final countdown.
The final countdown.
The final countdown. (final countdown)

A Little VM For The Soul

Last night John & I went to Foxwood's to see Van Morrison perform. He's old....but still good. He sang some of his greatest hits...And It Stoned Me, Gloria, Brown Eyed Girl, and Northern Muse-Solid Ground. I had a nice night with my cute husband. Oh! Listen to this one...he told everyone at work HE was taking ME to go see Van Morrison. Scuse me?? I'm the one who found the performance & bought the tickets all the way back in July! Can't a girl get a little credit here? : )

Here's the whole playlist:
Northern Muse- Solid Ground
Brown Eyed Girl
Fair Play
The Mystery in the Garden
Astral Weeks
Beside You
Slim Slow Slider
Sweet Thing
Cyrprus Avenue
The Way Lovers Do
Madame George
Help Me
The Healing has Begun

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Love The Travel-Tainer

I bought this super neat doggie food travel container the other day at the grocery store. Oh, let me start off by saying it was on sale for $6.50..I bought it thinking it would be perfect for when we go to Mom & Dad's for the day. After purchasing it, along with my groceries, I wondered if that would count as "buying something" and would put me in jeopardy at losing my bet with John (which I would also like to add that I am still in contention for..only 3 more days to go!!!!!). So as soon as he got home, I told him I had something very important to talk to him about. I showed him the container & wanted to know if it counted as buying something, because if it did I was returning it. He looked it over & agreed we would put this to good use & it was on the approved list! Whew. Now, moving cool is this thing? You can store the dry food in the middle & then each blue end comes off to serve as a food & water bowl. I love it!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ding Dong Ditch

Growing up on a 1/2 mile dirt lane we only had a handful of neighbors and therefor, never got to experience what its like to be able to go outside & play with other neighborhood friends or go trick or treating in the neighborhood & I certainly never experienced a "Ding Dong Ditch". A couple years ago some of the kids in our neighborhood on Henry St did it- it scared the crap out of me & I had no idea what was going on. Of course John knew the deal & explained the whole concept behind it...and apparently he had done it on occasion back on Fillow Street growing up. To be fair, it is pretty funny to think about doing it- I wish I had been able to do it when I was younger. The other night the kids struck our house, only once...but they POUNDED on the door & the dogs went crazy which in turn made me scream. Those little weasels must have had a good laugh...I did once I got over beind scared to death. Watch this video of a good Ding Dong Ditch- I was crying at work from laughing so hard.
Katie- maybe this is something else you & Paul can take back to the UK with you!!!

Nanny Nanny Poo Poo

Guess what town was rated 2009's #1 town to live in within Connecticut by Connecticut Magazine? Yup. Fairfield!! It even beat out Greenwich. Now, who's coming to visit me and this fabulous town???

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray! We Actually Did Stuff!

Friday night John & I ended up making it a quiet night at home. We started a fire, threw down a blanket, got in our pj's & played board games. Mylee wanted to join in on the the family fun & bratty Tortilla was no where to be found (she's like our teenage kid who is too cool to hang with Mom & Dad)....
Saturday morning we got up early & headed to the city to pick up some furniture that I got off Craigslist. While we were there we met up with Aunt Paula, checked out her yoga studio & then went for brunch. It was great to see her & we thought it was so cute how proud she was of her studio. Good job AP! Then we headed home & I took my usual Saturday afternoon nap, John watched sports & puttered around the house. Then we went to dinner with Big G & Sue at Tombo- a Japanese hibachi restaurant..then headed to Stage One for a comedy act. What a nice double date!
Then Sunday we did some errands & I took another nap (I'm tired!!!!) then headed over to Katie & Paul's for our eagerly anticipated "English Sunday Roast" dinner, especially prepared by Katie & her Mum. John & I could have sat there all night eating...we devoured roast beef with gravy, roasted white potatoes, sweet potatoes and parsnips, red cabbage, broccoli and the kicker...Yorkshire pudding. Jealous? Now let me many portions are you allowed to take before it becomes piggish? We might have gone over our limit.

Game Night!

Notice anything Aunt Sue?

Paula's yoga studio

Paula & John

Me, John, Big G & Sue- what cute couples (if I do say so myself)

Puppies enjoying a warm fall day

Dinner at the Ritchie's

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fresh Market

Last week a new grocery store opened in Westport. On my way home, 3 days in a row, there were picketers in the parking lot...and a huge blowup rat. Hmmm...ok. I thought it meant the place was dirty or something...but apparently it means the store is not part of the union. Oh, that's better (I guess). So I waited til there were no picketers & no rat to try the place out. It's definetly over priced & has the feel of Whole Foods but what nice products they have! Check out these "home baked" peanut butter & chocolate chip cookies I got. Delicious!!!!

See those picketers & the rat? You'd keep on driving too..right??

Mmm Mmm Good

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Goodwill + Me + Ebay = : ) & $$$

My latest Ebay sales......

New Michael Kors suede boots
I paid $15.00
They sold for $34.55

Used Born chestnut boots
I paid $12.00
They sold for $41.00

New Born tall black boots
I paid $12.00
They sold for $46.00

Used Born tan suede boots
I paid $8.00
They sold for $40.00

That's $114.55 in profit- minus Ebay fees!

2nd Annual Pumpkin Carving

Last night our dear friends Katie & Paul came over for our 2nd annual pumpkin carving. They joined us last year too & believe it or not, coming from the UK it was their first time carving pumpkins. I love it! What's better than carving pumpkins, watching the Yankee's win, and being with great friends??? And can I just say....those "Ennnglanders" (as John likes to call them) really know how to crank the pumpkins out- look at how many we got done for the front porch!

John, Paul & Katie hard at work

I LOVE this pic- makes me laugh every time I look at it

Our finished products all lit up

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Westport Animal Shelter

Every day on my way to & from work I have to pass the Westport animal shelter. It's the same ol thing to look at, day in & day out. Until last week, when apparently they had to have a tree cut down in the front of the property. Look at what they did with the stump.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 7

Today is day 7 of my bet with John. Today I had pants I had to return to the GAP, ones that I bought before we made our bet. The GAP in Westport has 2 levels- when I purchased the pants they were on the second level. I asked the sales clerk if I could return the items on the bottom level (which I purposely did so I wouldn't be tempted to get anything else). She said I could. She started to do my return & asked if I wanted to exchange anything (NO, that is against the rules of the bet). So I said 'no thank you' and she continued. Then she tried to tell me about all the great sales they were having & I should check out the racks upstairs. B*TCH! NO! LEAVE ME ALONE. I walked out of there with a credit to my GAP card for $84.12.

Get the lotion out Johnny!!!!!!!!!

My Special Day

For Christmas this past year John gave me a handmade gift certificate for a "Special Day". He said it took a lot of planning so I had to give him some warning & make sure I keep a whole day open for this "Special Day". So, after all these months I was finally able to get my day! Here is what transpired Saturday afternoon.....
I got a call to the house saying there was a "special delivery" at the front door. It was an envelope that said "read me now" & it gave me a clue as to where to go for my first treat of the day.
The clue took me here:

And this is what I got: Fall roses with my next clue.

The next clue took me here:

And this is what I got: a goodie bag with water, a trash magazine, a candy bar & gift certificate to get a mani/pedi right then & there!

My next clue took me here: (eeheeheeheee)

And this is what I got:

A beautiful fall sweater!
My next clue took me here:

This is what I saw when I got to the door:

These are the cute receptionist that greeted me:

Then I was greeted by Sven the massuese

I had some fresh fruit & water in the 'waiting room'

Then I was taken in for my massage with Sven!

My night was topped off with a romantic dinner with my husband at Cafe Lola

John did an absolutely wonderful job at making me feel SPECIAL on my Special Day. He paid attention to detail & he just made me so happy.
I think I'll keep him.