Tuesday, December 8, 2009

VT Weekend

This weekend was our annual trip to Mt Snow VT to celebrate my birthday (btw- 35 blows). The Yearwood/Schloicka clan joined us this time and I must say, it wasn't as relaxing as John & I are used to BUT it was really nice to have company. Board games just aren't as fun when there's only 2 of you to play!

I took the day off on Friday & pampered myself with a prenatal massage (heaaaaaaaaven) and had my hair washed & blown out. Around 4:00pm we headed up to VT- stopping in Hartford at a great restaurant, DISH for dinner (our second year doing this- love it!). We got up to the house around 9:00pm, perfect timing since the house was all warmed up and a cozy fire already going, thanks to Robyn & the crew getting up there a few hours earlier. Saturday morning John cooked up some pancakes & sausage and then we all headed out for a quick tour of Mt Snow. Then John & I did our usual trip up to the Manchester outlets for some Christmas shopping (for us) while the others decided to head out towards Brattleboro. We stayed in for the rest of the night since it was snowing- we got 5 inches while there! Not enough to have the slopes open though unfortunately. Sunday John made us his famous breakfast burritos and then we all headed outside for some fun in the snow. Let me make sure I add this in, John had to watch his Dolphins play and guess what...they won! Those Yearwoods/Schloickas sure are good luck! Later that night we all went to go candlestick bowling & then out to dinner. We were all out of the house by 11:00am Monday morning heading back to the real world. UGH.

Birthday dinner at DISH

This is Brian paying up on his bet w/ John- Jets lost to the Dolphins a few months ago & he had to do all the dishes for the weekend. Hee hee hee

Good game of Clue- notice the lovely birthday pin that I had to wear all day on Saturday

Aaahhh, smores indoors & warm feetsies

Is this a perfect VT pic or what?

Johnny gets it in the face from...

Miss Kaelyn Louise!!!!

Pretty Pussycat

Maddie & Bri Bri

Cute cute cute

Please note: I had to wear John's coat since mine wouldn't close. That's sad

BY, Maddie, Jenna, and Kaelyn

Oh my gosh, do I take awesome pics or what?

Yearwood/Schloicka Clan

Winter lovies

Poor John got it in the face again

This is the "bear" that came tearing after us while we were all outside!!!!

Miss Rosie was one of the neighbors dogs that heard us playing & came running over to join in the fun. Look at the size of her.

While the guys were watching the Dolphins game us girls opted to make pinecone ornaments

The "Twins" Arnold & Danny watching the football game

All of us at the bowling alley

Here's the ambush on Kaelyn caught on tape

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