Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Decorating The Christmas Tree

Last night John & I got our Christmas tree- this year we opted for a skinnier tree since we'll be hosting Christmas for both sides of the family & we'll need extra room for all the gifts!!! (jk)
We had our Christmas music going...of course my James Taylor xmas cd was the first to be played..and decorated the tree. I love our tree- it's always adorned with ornaments that we've picked up over the last 12 years from our travels- whether they be from VT to Portugal to Costa Rica to Buenes Aires. Also, every year we buy each other an ornament for all of our ornaments have special meanings. I urge everyone to start this tradition! Just think, 20 years from now putting your decorations on the tree and saying "oh wow! remember when we went to _____ in 2009?"!!!

John felt the need to take a pic of how ridiculous I looked w/ my stockings & socks on. What?? I just took my boots off, what can I say?

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