Thursday, December 24, 2009

So Sad

Yesterday during lunch I went home to let the dogs out. The door we usually use to go in & out of the house is the side door near the driveway but because of all the melting snow & then cool weather at night there is a huge ice pile on the doorstep. Totally not safe. Home Depot was apparently out of rock salt so John told me to use the front door until he could find some somewhere else. Okay, easy enough. My key to the front door is actually to the old front door which is on the side of the front porch. So I climb over some logs to get to the door, unlock it & go to push it open. Ugh. I forgot there was a chair behind the door because we were moving stuff around for our Christmas Eve party & it hadn't made it's way to it's final destination. Okay, again, no problem..I'll just push the door open as much as I can & squeeze through.

People. The opening was about 10-12 inches wide. Normally large enough for non-preggers Amy....apparently not large enough for preggers Amy. I tried to S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E through...but ut uh. Wasn't happening. So I had to venture onto the ever so dangerous icy side door to get in the house. Being pregnant is not easy, let me tell you.

Icy doorstep

Super close up. See! I'm not's ICY!

Side door on porch

The opening I tried to squeeze through.

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