Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday Party At The Otterbein's

Saturday was my families holiday party at my parents. It was so nice to see everyone...being in CT I don't get to see my side of the family as much as I would like so this was a great way to get everyone together. Food was good but the company was even better. Can't wait to do it again next year!

The Guadagno's (all 3 of us)

Robyn, Brian, Jeanette, Dad & Jim

Kaelyn collecting money for the baby pool
How talented is Aunt Betty???

Maddie & Corrine
This one's for Aunt Sue & Aunt Cindy!

Aaron, Sara, Philip & Haley

Lisa, Mom & Aunt Annie

My all grownup cousin Philip & me

Pretty Princesses

Doug (the Good Samaritan) with Grandma Steele
Light er up!

Me, Haley, Phil, Doug, Aunt Annie, Lisa, Aaron, Maddie, Robyn & Sara

Robyn trying to prove the string/baby theory

Grandma Otterbein, Uncle Phil, Kevin, Donna, Dad, Mom & Grandma Steele

Jeanette teaching the girls how to play a game of spoons

Aunt Pat & Robert

Aunt Annie & Aunt Betty- look at those smiles!!!! : )

Johnny & Phil Simmons

Happy 87th Birthday to both Grandma's!

John, Phil, Me, Uncle Phil & Haley
I like these people.

Dad & Grandma O

Yearwood/Schloicka clan

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