Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Eve

John & I hosted Christmas Eve again with the Guadagno/Nelson side. We opted to do a $5 gift exchange where everyone had to buy a $5 gift for 8 other people. It was fun to see what people came up with! We also had our annual $25 grab bag where I picked #1- THE number to get since you get last pick on all the goods! Guess it was my lucky Christmas, right??

This is what happens when Bobby is in charge of taking pics

Bobby gave out framed pics of himself for his $5 gift..well everyone got a pic of Bobby but Tom- he got a framed pic of Justin Timberlake. Nice job Bob!

Bobby made me post this one.....

Big G opening his $5 gift from John- a year subscription to GOLF magazine & Nana's old rosary beads & prayer book.

Everyone doing the $25 grab bag

#1 Pick!

Grammy didn't forget her granbabies on Christmas!

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