Thursday, December 31, 2009

There Goes New Years

We were supposed to go out to dinner tonight with our good friends Katie & Paul for Mexican at Tequila Mockingbird. Ain't lookin like that is going to happen. Looks like we'll be watching movies & ordering Chinese instead.

Snow advisory from 9am to 6pm. Ugh.

Here is a view from my office building at 9:00am this morning.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cameo By My Man

Yep, guess who made a cameo appearance in the movie Funny People? My favorite, James Taylor. Check out the trailer here.

Yup Yup Yup

I just wanted to take a minute to brag a little bit here.....not sure if anyone else received any trophies for Christmas but John & I surely did. Maddie gave us mini trophies, that she bought with her own money, that say "Worlds Best Aunt" and "Worlds Best Uncle". *clapping* *cheering* *the crowd goes wild*

Thank you very much.

I're jealous.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's A Tad Windy

It is coooollllllld here in Connecticut. They say it's 18 degrees out but with the wind it feels like a whopping 3 degrees. Guess who decided to go skiing today, of all days, in VT with his buddies? Heeheehee...Johnny boy must be freezin his bootie off!

Check out the wind chimes going- this was during my lunch break today

Sleeping Arrangements At The Guadagno's

Now that the spare room has been picked apart to redo for the babies room...oh wait, excuse me..for MARNIE'S room...ahahha..we have oddball furniture all over the place until it makes its way to the basement. A side chair ended up being smushed into the corner of our bedroom & Tortilla has now claimed it as her own. Mylee gets the tan chair that has always been in our bedroom all to herself so everyone is happy- especially John & I since now we pretty much have our bed back to ourselves!

Miss Rainbow assumes her sleeping position
(I swear she loves to be tucked in like this- she lets out a moan when you do it)

How cute is her little ear sticking up?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day

After we opened our gifts at our house we went over to Tracey & Tom's to see Jack open his gifts & to announce that we were having a girl. Here's just a few pics...

Check out Jack picking his nose for the family that kid fits right in with this family!

Finally! I got a great pic of Claire

And then we had Mom, Dad, Robyn, Brian, Kaelyn & Maddie down to our house for prime rib dinner.

A little Wii entertainment- Mom & John playing tennis

This was me after Dad gave Mom her reset diamond ring...'EMOTIONAL DISASTER" is the only way to describe me

Christmas Eve

John & I hosted Christmas Eve again with the Guadagno/Nelson side. We opted to do a $5 gift exchange where everyone had to buy a $5 gift for 8 other people. It was fun to see what people came up with! We also had our annual $25 grab bag where I picked #1- THE number to get since you get last pick on all the goods! Guess it was my lucky Christmas, right??

This is what happens when Bobby is in charge of taking pics

Bobby gave out framed pics of himself for his $5 gift..well everyone got a pic of Bobby but Tom- he got a framed pic of Justin Timberlake. Nice job Bob!

Bobby made me post this one.....

Big G opening his $5 gift from John- a year subscription to GOLF magazine & Nana's old rosary beads & prayer book.

Everyone doing the $25 grab bag

#1 Pick!

Grammy didn't forget her granbabies on Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Helping Hands

Last night Mom N & Howard graciously came over to help John put up the last few pieces of sheetrock in the babies room. Again, I supervised (I am getting sooooo good at this!!). While they were over she just haaaaaad to see the "baby box" and give it a few kisses.

"Grammy Loves"

Yes, they willingly posed for all these pics.

So Sad

Yesterday during lunch I went home to let the dogs out. The door we usually use to go in & out of the house is the side door near the driveway but because of all the melting snow & then cool weather at night there is a huge ice pile on the doorstep. Totally not safe. Home Depot was apparently out of rock salt so John told me to use the front door until he could find some somewhere else. Okay, easy enough. My key to the front door is actually to the old front door which is on the side of the front porch. So I climb over some logs to get to the door, unlock it & go to push it open. Ugh. I forgot there was a chair behind the door because we were moving stuff around for our Christmas Eve party & it hadn't made it's way to it's final destination. Okay, again, no problem..I'll just push the door open as much as I can & squeeze through.

People. The opening was about 10-12 inches wide. Normally large enough for non-preggers Amy....apparently not large enough for preggers Amy. I tried to S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E through...but ut uh. Wasn't happening. So I had to venture onto the ever so dangerous icy side door to get in the house. Being pregnant is not easy, let me tell you.

Icy doorstep

Super close up. See! I'm not's ICY!

Side door on porch

The opening I tried to squeeze through.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Marshalls In Westport

After work yesterday I met Colleen for mani/pedi's in Westport. Aaahhhhhh...just what the doctor ordered for Miss Preggers. After our mani/pedi's and 15 minute back massages we walked over to Marshalls for just a quick peek. This Marshall's is insane! They have Prada, Burberry, Dior & Versace shoes and boots!!!!! What? Where else are you gonna find those name brands in a Marshalls? Possibly only in Westport, CT.

Oh look! The Dior boots are on sale for only $719.00. What a steal if you ask me.

Monday, December 21, 2009

We Got Snow!!

We ended up getting about 8 inches or so of snow here in CT- perfect for playing in the snow, not so perfect for having to shovel the whole driveway yourself (poor Johnny). I supervised & took I a good pregnant wifey or what?

Tell me this dog doesn't have the greatest life ever.

My Martha Stewart Project

So I saw in one of my old Martha Stewart magazines how she had decorated the outside of her house on Turkey Hill with garland & holly so I thought I'd give it a try. I went to Home Depot & got a bunch of their Christmas tree branch scraps (when they sell their trees they will cut off the bottom branches & put them in a big wooden box for anyone to take for free). John hauled all the branches inside & I got to work. Somebody please remind me next year of how much work it took me to do this....well the finished product was not as good as Martha's and we couldn't figure out a way to hold the garland up around the door without putting a zillion nails in the doorframe so we opted to put the garland on the fireplace mantle. I think it looks pretty & dramatic- I love it!

Martha Jr at work

The finished product. Voila!

Baby Lampie

John was cleaning out one of the drawers in the kitchen & came upon Tortilla's adoption papers. I had completely forgotten that she had had another name when we adopted her....Lampie! Ahahahha...who names a dog Lampie? Tortilla Rainbow is much better if you ask me.

Again, stupid blog keeps turning my pic...but you get the idea of this cute little porker that we adopted. See how her ears used to flop & just how damn cute she was when she was a puppy.....*heart melting*