Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I love fresh cut flowers and I'd have to say sunflowers are on my top 5 list of all time favorites. They remind me of when my Dad grew them on our property along with every kind of vegetable you can imagine. I grew up on a 10 acre rhododendron nursery at the end of a 1/2 mile private dirt lane. We had cows, pigs, a pond, and tons of fresh flowers & vegetables in the summer. I was allowed to drive the tractor around way before I ever got my license & when I was younger I made money picking weeds out of the plants (a penny for each weed). We grew corn (which we would eat every night when it was in season- each of us downing at least 2 to 3 a piece), pumpkins (no need to ever go "pumpkin picking"), tomatoes, peppers, green beans, cucumbers, strawberries.....and sunflowers. Not the little mini ones like in the pic though, we grew the massive ones. We even salted & baked our own sunflower seeds for snacks. Isn't it interesting how the sight of something can bring you back to a specific memory instantly?

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