Monday, August 3, 2009

Bye Bye Weekend

Friday night we went over to the Nelson's Abode for dinner & to see Uncle Jimmy and his traveling companion Pasta Canoli & John's cousin Danielle.
Saturday we went to a few tag sales & then hung out by the pool. The water was finally my kind of temperature...82 degrees. Now that's nice! Saturday night we went to Viva's for a quick dinner before heading to the Westport Playhouse to see the show I won the free tickets for. It was a comedy performance, and it was gut busting funny! We loved it. Sunday we hung out inside since it was pouring out- I cleaned and then took a nice 2 hour nap. Then we went over again to Donna & Howard's for pizza. And now I'm back at work...trying to make it thru the next 5 days until the weekend is here again.

I love Pasta Canoli!!!!

Uncle Jimmy & his travelin buddy

Howard playing Wii Bowling

Cuuuuuuuuuuutie pie

Nelson Girls
Danielle & John

Bye Bye Kisses

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