Monday, August 10, 2009


Picture this: it's Friday night, around 10:00pm..John, Aunt Sue & I are just about to head up to bed after watching the end of the Yankee game. Tortilla whines by the back door to go out so of course I let her & Mylee out for one last tinkle before going to bed. Well they make a mad dash out the door & to the back corner of our property. Clearly there is an animal out there- my first guess was a squirrel. Then I saw them running around it & thought it might be a raccoon. Oh's black......&....white!!!! It was a skunk. So now, I'm outside in my nightgown yelling my head off at 10:00 at night trying to get the dogs to come back in the house (probably scaring the crap out of my neighbors in the mean while). John ran out & got hold of Tortilla & sent her inside and Mylee just kept circling the damn thing. Welp, they both ended up getting sprayed. Poor Mylee got it the worst- right in her mouth & along her lips. You should have seen the blank stare on her face & the drool & foam coming out of her mouth. Poor thing. So our nice peaceful evening turned into an hour & a half ordeal of scrubbing the dogs & bathing them. Our house stunk.
Saturday morning we had to do errands & for the most part the smell had dissipated from the house thanks to the fans going all night & candles. While we were in the car though we kept getting wiffs of skunk...O-M-G...we stunk!!!! It was totally in my hair. How disgusting is that?? So below is a pic of me with my head out the windown trying to air out my hair. Ew ew ew.

Who's idea was it to get two dogs anyways???

Cute, non-smelly puppies

And then......

How Embarassing!

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