Thursday, August 6, 2009


Can I just say I have some of the best girlfriends in the world?? John was in Boston last night for business so I had a dinner party with the girls. It was supposed to be a nice, relaxing, sit around the pretty decorated dinner table drinking wine kind of night....but because of the humidity & heat my house was a sweltering hell hole so we opted to make up our plates & eat outside. You know what the best thing about getting together with my friends is- they are all very gracious & always offer to bring something to eat or bring a bottle of wine. I love that- totally takes a lot of burden off your shoulders when your hosting at your house. I had a great night, with lot's of smiles & giggles. Tracy, get on that stable cuz we wanna hear all about it!

This is where we were suuuuupposed to eat

Short Ribs anyone?

Preggers & Tracy

Who's this mystery guest??? lol Mrs Walsh you're a nut job!

Me & Colleen

This is what is left of the coconut cake after we went to town on it

1 comment:

tsun said...