Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Mylee has the thickest fur ever- it's like a German Shepards coat. And she sheds like crazy, which in turn means our house is full of hair from both her & Tortilla. Once a week I try to brush them, although Mylee seems to need it a lot more. The Furminator (do you love that name or what?) is a special brush that gets the undercoat....look at the pile of hair there is when I'm done with just Mylee. Looks like a squished hamster if you ask me. They both hate the Furminator so I have to bribe them with treats to sit still. The things Moms have to do!!

Furminator in action

Gross hair pile

Mylee hiding under the table because she doesn't want to be brushed anymore

I see you!!!!!!!!

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