Monday, August 31, 2009

Bye Bye Weekend

I took the day off on Friday to spend with two of my favorite girls, Colleen & Katie. We went to lunch, then I took them for their first trip to the Westport Goodwill. Do you see Mrs Ritchie scored a pair of 7 for All Mankind jeans! Love that. Then we went for mani/pedi's at the Nail Salon. Those ladies went to town giving us the best neck, back & head massages. Look at the knots in my hair after she was done!!!
Saturday morning was Hazardous Waste Removal day in Fairfield so we loaded the RR up with old paints & headed to the site. I've never seen anything like it. We were in & out of there within 20 minutes. The rest of the day we hung out around the house & then around 4:00 John took off with Dan for a night out with all the guys. I stayed in & watched movies. Sunday we did some errands, had breakfast at the diner and then headed home to work around the house. We did Sunday dinner with the family- look at the gorgeous Tiramusi I made for dessert(eeheehehehehee).
And that brings us to Monday morning...back at work...back to reality.


My Virgin Goodwillers!!!!

Hazmat drop off

Voila! I am such a baker!!!!
No wonder why John keeps me.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Evening Stroll

Last night we took the dogs for a quick walk around the neighborhood & down by the stream off Bronson Road. Look at what we saw along the way....

A closer look....a hawk at the top of the pine tree

Get Outta The Muck!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Now thru 8/31/09 you can get gift certificates at for as low as $2. At checkout use the code: TASTE. What are you waiting for???

The Fart Mask- Jackass II

I forgot to post this video from Saturday night. After we all went to dinner Bobby, John and I laid on the couch & watched tv. Take a look at the quality shows we were watching. Classic.

This Is What A 4 Day Old Baby Does

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Claire Is Here!

Saturday August 22nd our niece Claire Joanna was born and she is cute cute cute!!!!! Hopefully there will be more pics to add from that day so check back!

Tracey, Tom & baby girl Golon

Apparently Jack wasn't really into Claire & pulled her hat off. We weren't there to witness this but this photo does a great job at capturing the moment.

Proud Godfather (ahahhaha)

Good work Tom!

Later that night Big G, Sue, Bobby, John, and I went out to dinner to celebrate.
CHEERS to an eventful weekend! *wink*

Friday, August 21, 2009

2 Years In The Making

Well it took Caitlin getting pregnant & having pizza cravings for her, Dan, John & I to finally make it to Colony Grill in Stamford. We've been talking about all going there together for at least 2 years. We decided after going to Pepe's Pizza together (Dan's fav) that we'd have to show them our fav pizza place. So last night we all went for some hot oil pizza's (mmmm) and I think Caitlin & Dan are now big fans. *pat on the back to the Guadagno's*

Now that's a happy preggers!

What A Good Dad

It was John's turn to feed the dogs yesterday morning. It was gonna be a scorcher out with the heat & humidity. What a thoughtful Dad he is.....he put ice in puppies water bowl so they could have cool, refreshing water.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Have no idea why but Mylee absolutely hates when I do the zerbert noise. She goes crazy- normally running around the room & barking at me, all while her tail is wagging slightly. Last night John & I were sitting on the couch & I was doing zerberts to her. The video is hysterical- listen to her howl!!!! Oh my god she is so cute.

August Days...

Can be killer!!! It was hot & humid last night so as soon as we got home from work we were in the pool. Finally, the temperature of the water is where I like it....87 degrees! It was like being in a huge bath tub. Me lovey!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I love fresh cut flowers and I'd have to say sunflowers are on my top 5 list of all time favorites. They remind me of when my Dad grew them on our property along with every kind of vegetable you can imagine. I grew up on a 10 acre rhododendron nursery at the end of a 1/2 mile private dirt lane. We had cows, pigs, a pond, and tons of fresh flowers & vegetables in the summer. I was allowed to drive the tractor around way before I ever got my license & when I was younger I made money picking weeds out of the plants (a penny for each weed). We grew corn (which we would eat every night when it was in season- each of us downing at least 2 to 3 a piece), pumpkins (no need to ever go "pumpkin picking"), tomatoes, peppers, green beans, cucumbers, strawberries.....and sunflowers. Not the little mini ones like in the pic though, we grew the massive ones. We even salted & baked our own sunflower seeds for snacks. Isn't it interesting how the sight of something can bring you back to a specific memory instantly?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Soooo Funny

As you might remember John had bought Kaelyn rollerblades for her birthday. The same weekend we were celebrating her birthday we found rollerblades at a tag sale for Maddie. Then a couple of weeks ago we found a pair for John as well. Now he's all ready for when the girls come down next. So yesterday he decided to try those bad boys out. I MADE him put on a helmet, knee & elbow pads. Oh man, it was so funny to watch him. He wanted to be like Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer) in his opening to his show & rollerblade with the dogs on the leash. I just had to laugh-this guy is F-U-N-N-Y.

Cesar & His Pack

Safety first Johnny!

Even our neighbors Soleil & Rafferty came out to watch the show!

This is Tortilla pulling John along...he has not mastered the brakes yet & actually had to make a ditch into the grass on the right 2 seconds after I stopped recording because Tortilla was going too fast. I was laughing so hard that it literally turned into a sobbing cry.
Watch this video & listen to John saying "Whoa! We're moving! Alright Tortilla..easy..easy...easy...alright..stop..stop!"

Tortilla's Nemesis

Yesterday I pulled into the driveway to find Tortilla's neighborhood arch rival hanging out on our property. This black cat has gotten Tortilla in a tizzy more than once. Ever since we've had Tortilla (about 5 years) she has been dying to get her paws on this measely cat. She'll sit up in her room looking out the windown & just watch the cat saulter around like she is the Queen of Henry St. Oh man, it p*sses Tortilla off like no other. Her hair goes up on the back of her head, back & tail. And let me tell you, this cat KNOWS she's driving Rainbow crazy. I have seen her walk down the road in front of our house without a care in the she knows that Tortilla is bound to the yard by the electric fence. I happen to love the fact that this cat messes with Tortilla. Oh yea, P.S. I totally had the cat all over me so Tortilla could smell her on me. What a mean Mommy I am!!!

That's the black cat on his own doorstop- directly across from Rainbows window

Monday, August 17, 2009

Us Crazy Guadagno's

This is our craaaazy Saturday night. Lying on the couch, taking pics of ourselves.
Wow getting old sucks.