Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Please Let This Baby Come Soon

Every night that comes that I haven't had the baby John says "let's get something done on the house before the baby comes". Ugh. This has included cleaning out & organizing closets, drawers and cabinets, going through magazines, going through clothes, putting together the stroller & any other baby bouncer, swing or baby related item, washing all baby linens, etc., and washing windows. John even tried to convince me to have a tag sale this past weekend so we could clear out all our unwanted stuff. He Cookoo Bird. Last was giving the carpets a deep cleaning. While it's nice to have a clean house, this crap is getting tiring! Better to get it done now though I guess since once Marnie arrives I'll be kinda busy with other things... : )

I got the job of rinsing out the pads after each use...I thought I was supposed to be on the couch with my feet up??

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