Friday, April 9, 2010

38 Dalewood

Last night John & I ordered a pizza for pick up. On our way over to get it we decided to do a drive by our first apartment that we got together. Looks the exact same. The area is pretty gross but the 3rd floor apt was actually pretty big & nice. Next door there was a disgusting house that was falling apart & always used to smell like cat urine. In the summer time we would have to keep our windows shut because the smell was so bad. There were numerous occasions where I would yell out the window "how friggin disgusting" and slam the windows (that's normal, right?). At one point I even called the health dept on her, only to find there were other complaints made as well. Looks like she's cleaned up her yard a bit but not much else has been done on the house (we moved over 7 years ago).

38 Dalewood Ave- our first place

Disgusting cat ladies house

This is how you can tell you're not on the right side of the tracks anymore:

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