Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Momma

I drive by this area every day on my way to work & have posted pics of it before (pics with dogs in the water & also when we had that huge storm & it was totally flooded). Well the past week+ I've noticed a goose sitting on top of the fallen tree & each time I'd pass it I'd think 'I should take a pic for the blog'. Well yesterday morning I noticed that the goose was sitting on top of a bunch of feathers...Momma Goose was sitting on her nest! How the heck are those little goslings gonna get down from there when they are born??!!! Well, I can't wait to see those little suckers swimming around in the stream.

p.s. The pics aren't the best because I just rolled down the window in the car & snapped pics. This ol huge pregnant lady couldn't bare to get in & out of the car.

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