Monday, April 19, 2010

Li'l Help

Friday afternoon Mom, Robyn, Kaelyn, and Maddie came down for the weekend. Thank God. They were a huge help- from helping to go through Ebay/consignment clothing, to moving furniture, to helping paint the bookcase & radiator covers, to doing a little organizing..they all helped pitch in. Dad stayed home to work on his own house so it was us girls all weekend.....and John! Ahahaha...and I must say, he was a great sport & even joined in on some of our activities.

Handpicked flowers from Dad

Uhhh....and she wonders why everyone calls her "Crazy Lorraine"...
That would be Mom w/ the dogs pigs ears treats:

Saturday morning we ALL headed down for mani/pedi's. John opted for a regular pedicure plus 2 additional 10 minute massages from "Nancy". He told me if he could do it all over again he wouldn't have married me & would have married a nice subserviant Asian chic.

He's in Heaven

Maddie getting her massage after her mani/pedi. How cute is that?

Later on the girls went down to the soccer field with John to practice- they plan on joining the school's teams over the summer. John was all too happy to be their "coach" and even took them to get their own soccer balls.

Kaelyn in action!

Later that afternoon the girls helped John puddy & then paint the bookcase & radiator covers. He worked these girls to the bone!

Here's the 3 workers:

Here's Mom after our trip to Goodwill
And Maddie & her beloved Mylee

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