Friday, April 30, 2010

Oooooooo I Caught You!

So we have designated furniture in the house that the dogs are allowed on...they "know" which ones that they are SUPPOSED to stay off of & which ones they can go on whenever they want. My good Restoration Hardware couch & chair in the living room, the striped couch & chairs set in the fireplace room, the white couch in the office and the spare bed are off limits. You will not find these puppies on any of those pieces of furniture while we are at home.....unless they think they can get away with it! Last night I was watching tv downstairs & had to run upstairs for something. I'm obviously moving pretttty slowly & I guess more quietly. I'm halfway up the stairs when I hear "thump"..."click click click"...and see a cute little puppy quickly appear in the hallway with her ears down, eyes blinking, tail thumping like crazy.....

I totally caught that little stinker Mylee jumping down off the bed in the spare bedroom...she thought she was sooooo sly.....

Watch the video & look at how guilty she looks (so can you be mad?!!) and she just kept trying to kiss me to say "sorry Mom...I didn't mean to...but it's just so comfy in there!". I can't blame her...the bed & linens ARE the most comfortable thing in the world.

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