Tuesday, March 2, 2010


John thinks I'm a hoarder. Compulsive hoarding is a mental disorder marked by an obsessive need to acquire (and failure to use or discard) a significant amount of possessions, even if the items are worthless, hazardous, or unsanitary. I am not a hoarder....I've just got a lot of stuff & not enough places to put them! Honestly, it's mostly clothes & shoes...which are neither worthless, hazardous OR unsanitary! Right?
On my way home from work every day I pass by a house owned by an overweight older lady who owns a black cocker spaniel. I've scoped out her whole property & have educationally come to the conclusion that SHE is a hoarder. I've even drove John past her house to point out what a real hoarder's accumulation of junk looks like! She used to have an organ on her front porch!!!! I've also had him watch the tv show on A&E "Hoarders" just to prove I'm a sane chic who likes to buy clothes & shoes & might just be on the messy side, not the crazy hoarding side.

Pics of a real hoarders bedroom

Hoarders kitchen

This is the house I drive by every day

I even took the time to count how many of those storage sheds she has!
6 small sheds, 1 large shed & 1 outdoor tent

Even her car is packed with crap! You can't really see it in the pic but her whole back seat & trunk are completely filled to the roof with stuff.

Ok, so since we're redoing the spare room everything has ended up in our bedroom. This is what we've been living like for the last couple of weeks while we've been redoing the babies room & now the spare bedroom. I think it kinda looks like a hoarders dream come true.

Another view of our bedroom

Ok, and here is a glimpse of our closet.....it's not my fault I have so many cute clothes & shoes and not enough room to hang everything...is it???
Misrepresentation! Misrepresentation! How convenient is it to post pictures of your closet AFTER you cleaned it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tend to believe John. I have seen your shopping sprees!