Monday, March 29, 2010

Jack's 2nd Birthday

We celebrated Jack's 2nd birthday on Saturday with some cupcakes, gifts and an Easter egg hunt held downtown.

Aferdita, Bobby & Lovely

Ha! John had a cold so he wasn't able to kanoodle with his #1 girl so guess who stepped in. Jealous Johnny?

Grammy, Grampy & Jack putting together his new picnic set

I love this pic of Claire

Uncle John & Jack in his new jumpy thinger majinger

Here we all are waiting for the Easter egg hunt to begin:
Tracey, Tom, Jack, Claire, Tom's dad Tom, Big G, Bobby, Aferdita, John & myself all went down for the festivities

And he's off!

Claire's 1st Easter egg hunt- doesn't she look thrilled?

Back to the house for birthday cupcakes & gifts- check Jack out eyeing those suckers...suggggar....mmmmmmmm

This was my take on Martha Stewart's clown cupcakes. Damn these things are time consuming

Does this kid look content or what?

And here's Jack loving his cleaning supplies that John & I got him.
When can he come over to clean our house? I'm willing to pay....

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