Monday, March 22, 2010

Sara's Bridal Shower

I've been sick since Wednesday & pretty much laying low....which leads to a pretty boring social life. Saturday was my cousin Sara's bridal shower back home so I trekked the 2 hours there to join in the festivities. It was nice to see everyone and even though I saw some of my aunts & Sara last weekend at my shower I really didn't get to talk to them so it was nice to be able to do it this time around. Good to catch up with my uncles & cousin Phil too.

Ahahaha- how cute is she?

Kaelyn had practice from my baby shower last week being the "gift runner" so she asked to do it for Sara too. What a good chiquita.

Even Sara's dog Dolce got her a gift...don't you just love puppies?

Aaron & Sara

Here's the whole "Steele" crew
Cousin Lisa, Aunt Pat, Mom, Aunt Annie, Robyn, Kaelyn, Me, Aunt Betty & Cousin Sara

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