Monday, March 15, 2010

Fairfield County Storm

Holy Moly! While my baby shower was going on there was apparently a massive storm going on! Ahahaha....guess I was caught up in the moment! Baby shower ended around 4:30....our electricty was out from 5:00pm Saturday to 7:00pm Sunday- perfect timing to get through the shower!!! Compared to some people in Westport who are expecting to be without electrity until Wednesday we made off like bandits! Schools were even cancelled today due to the damage. Click here for storm pics. Aunt Sue, who lives in Charlotte, NC even said Fairfield made the news by her!
Sunday morning John & I started a fire (since we had no heat!) and sat and went over everything we got from the baby shower. Then later on we took a drive around town to see all the damage- it is unreal how many trees were down. And we're talking massive, 100 year old trees that were just uprooted. There was absolutely no damage done to our house and only 1 tree ended up falling down in our neighborhood. We were lucky!

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