Monday, March 1, 2010

Best 20 Bucks Ever Spent

This past Friday we had another snow work!!!! Wohooooo! The snow was coming down pretty good, we were in our warm house, enjoying some coffee. There's a knock at the door so I open it to find two young boys in snow gear & each holding a shovel. "Hi there, we were wondering if you'd like your driveway shoveled?" "UMMMM...HOW MUCH?" "Uhhhh, how about $5 each?" (now mind you, this IS Fairfield County so I was expecting these little weiners to charge a heck of a lot more than that!). "WOW, SOUNDS GREAT. GO FOR IT". Now, mind you, we have the biggest driveway on the street, these kids definetly didn't do their homework before deciding which house to pick. Me, I would have gone for the smallest driveway I could find....but whatever. So they did a great job, even did the sidewalk for us. Ya can't beat that, right? So I gave them each 10 bucks.....cuz that's the kind of high roller I am. : )

Sure looks cold out there....

Henry Street Suckas

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