Friday, March 5, 2010

These Dogs Have An Expiration Date

Click on this link to see about making a donation for these homeless dogs in need. Scroll down on the blog & watch the video under the "These dogs have an expiration date" post. If you read through the older posts it tells about how these dogs are on someone's property & will be taken over on the 15th. "Any of the dogs not rescued by March 15th will be SHOT" (not by the rescue group!). There aren’t enough funds to transport the dogs they're able to rescue and there aren’t funds to humanely euthanize the dogs that remain on the property the day the owners of the dogs have to have them off the property. The rescue group was told that the day they are no longer able to take dogs, after they leave they plan to shoot the dogs that couldn't be rescued and, in fact, some have already been shot. They DESPERATELY need funds to get as many of these puppies & dogs off the property as possible in the limited time left. So sad. Imagine yourself in their place...please make a donation today!

Do you see the large rib bones on the ground in the pic?!!!

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