Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cha- Ching!

Ended up selling $207.96 (minus fees) off some of the items that sold on Ebay today. Not bad, huh? Still have 28 items listed that end in a few days & this weekend I plan to take pics of dresses & maternity clothing & list those next week (at work of course)....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mr. Rock Star

After John's eye incident I found him upstairs playing his guitar...this is what I walked in to (apparently Mylee wasn't impressed):

In The Eye

Last night was taco night at the Guadagno household- always an easy favorite. John decided to spice his tacos up with some fresh habanero chili peppers. Well, after cutting them up he thought it would be fun to accidentally rub his eye with his hand.....BIG MISTAKE. He douced his eye with water, which he said made it worse. Then tried milk...and then proclaimed we might have to go to the emergency room. Oh the drama. After 5 minutes he was fine and I'm sure he learned his lesson- make sure you wash your hands immediately after handling one of the spicest chili peppers.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm Back In The Saddle Again!

With Marnie coming soon, John & I have been cleaning out closets, organizing cabinets and purging items we haven't used. This of course includes my closet & all the bins I have of clothes that I've bought along the way to resell. Today I took 33 items to the consignment store, picked up a check for $109 & have now listed 43 items on Ebay(shhh, while at work). Click here if you want to be nosey & see what I'm selling!

Fried Dough

Saturday night we went over to Mom N's & Howards for dinner. As always, delicious! They topped off their pasta dinner with some good ol Italian fried dough for dessert. THIS in itself deserves it's own post, worthy of praise. I think between Aferdita & myself we polished off the majority of it. My butt & thighs thank you both.....oh, and Marnie...she says thank you too!

The powdered sugar ones rocked

Jack's 2nd Birthday

We celebrated Jack's 2nd birthday on Saturday with some cupcakes, gifts and an Easter egg hunt held downtown.

Aferdita, Bobby & Lovely

Ha! John had a cold so he wasn't able to kanoodle with his #1 girl so guess who stepped in. Jealous Johnny?

Grammy, Grampy & Jack putting together his new picnic set

I love this pic of Claire

Uncle John & Jack in his new jumpy thinger majinger

Here we all are waiting for the Easter egg hunt to begin:
Tracey, Tom, Jack, Claire, Tom's dad Tom, Big G, Bobby, Aferdita, John & myself all went down for the festivities

And he's off!

Claire's 1st Easter egg hunt- doesn't she look thrilled?

Back to the house for birthday cupcakes & gifts- check Jack out eyeing those suckers...suggggar....mmmmmmmm

This was my take on Martha Stewart's clown cupcakes. Damn these things are time consuming

Does this kid look content or what?

And here's Jack loving his cleaning supplies that John & I got him.
When can he come over to clean our house? I'm willing to pay....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

His #1 Girl

Apparently I've been moved down another slot on John's list of his favorite girls. Here is his new list:

1. Claire
2. Tortilla
3. Mylee
4. Me

Looks like I'll be #5 once Marnie comes around....and good thing he doesn't include Kaelyn & Maddie in this or else I'd really be screwed.

Winna Winna, Chicken Dinna...Miss Claire Golon!!!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Love This

Do you remember I posted about the animal shelter in Oregon(click here for their blog)...the one where "These Dogs Have An Expiration Date"? Well I made a donation to the organization & received a hand written thank you note in the mail from them. I think that is so thoughtful- your good deed does not go unrecognized & they let you know that your donation helped make a difference. Just one more reason to donate to a charity you believe in.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday At The Beach

Yesterday we took the dogs to the beach....which in theory sounded like a great idea but it was collllld near the water! Dogs had a good time, even though they go crazy when they see other dogs. See how nice this one doggie is (off leash) that comes up to say hi to them? Tortilla & Mylee would be a disaster, thus the long leashes.

Well that was the extent of our Sunday fun.

Sara's Bridal Shower

I've been sick since Wednesday & pretty much laying low....which leads to a pretty boring social life. Saturday was my cousin Sara's bridal shower back home so I trekked the 2 hours there to join in the festivities. It was nice to see everyone and even though I saw some of my aunts & Sara last weekend at my shower I really didn't get to talk to them so it was nice to be able to do it this time around. Good to catch up with my uncles & cousin Phil too.

Ahahaha- how cute is she?

Kaelyn had practice from my baby shower last week being the "gift runner" so she asked to do it for Sara too. What a good chiquita.

Even Sara's dog Dolce got her a gift...don't you just love puppies?

Aaron & Sara

Here's the whole "Steele" crew
Cousin Lisa, Aunt Pat, Mom, Aunt Annie, Robyn, Kaelyn, Me, Aunt Betty & Cousin Sara

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kidney Stone

If you keep up with the baby blog you'll remember I posted Friday morning about how I had passed a kidney stone in the middle of the night. Not fun. The sucker actually came out Friday around noon & I had to scoop it out of the toilet (yes, pee pee filled toilet) so that I could bring it in to the doctors for testing. Below is a pic of my stone next to a dime so you can see the size of it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Love WEBE 108

Just got a blast email from the local radio station- it's been a long time since they've offered any freebies but here was the email message:

Be one of the first 25 callers to Westport Country Playhouse and receive 2 complimentary tickets to a reading of the Pulitzer prize winning comedy 'Harvey' by Mary Chase, Monday, March 22nd 7pm! Call 203- 227- 4177 !
Enjoy the classic comedy of a man and his best friend Harvey, an imaginary 6-foot tall rabbit, as seen in the memorable film starring James Stewart!
And so who do you think was Speedy Gonzalez & scored 2 tixs? *yep yep yep....I'm good*

It's March 17th!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm Not A Great Cook But.....

There are a few staple dishes/desserts that I make that are to-die-for & apparently the salad I made for the baby shower is one of them! I've gotten many requests for exactly what went into it so here goes:

field greens
cherry tomatoes
feta cheese
glazed pecans
raspberry vinagrette


Monday, March 15, 2010

Fairfield County Storm

Holy Moly! While my baby shower was going on there was apparently a massive storm going on! Ahahaha....guess I was caught up in the moment! Baby shower ended around 4:30....our electricty was out from 5:00pm Saturday to 7:00pm Sunday- perfect timing to get through the shower!!! Compared to some people in Westport who are expecting to be without electrity until Wednesday we made off like bandits! Schools were even cancelled today due to the damage. Click here for storm pics. Aunt Sue, who lives in Charlotte, NC even said Fairfield made the news by her!
Sunday morning John & I started a fire (since we had no heat!) and sat and went over everything we got from the baby shower. Then later on we took a drive around town to see all the damage- it is unreal how many trees were down. And we're talking massive, 100 year old trees that were just uprooted. There was absolutely no damage done to our house and only 1 tree ended up falling down in our neighborhood. We were lucky!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Look what I spotted on the side of the house the other know what this means. Spring is on it's way!!!!
Glory Be!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dinner At The Guadagno Household

My famous mac & cheese (are you drooling Mom?)

John's tadpole-like meatloaf (eyes, teeth & tail included)

Is this normal?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Penguin Plunge

Dressed in costumes, swimsuits and team jerseys, more than 300 people participated in the annual Penguin Plunge in Westport to benefit the Special Olympics. They raised over $91,000 this year! Luckily it was the warmest day of the year so far. Our friends Dave, Kyle & Matty took to the waters & we were there to support them. Good job guys!

Compo Beach in Westport

Matty, Dave & Kyle

Here's Dave in line to take off- watch the video:
(he's wearing a green bow tie, blue plaid shorts & will come from the right of the screen)