Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yoga + Amy = Ouchie!!!!!

Friday night I went over to Mom N's so I could have a 1 on 1 yoga session with the Yoga Queen herself. Paula was amazing- very calm, reassuring & super patient with my totally out of shape body. I left there in pain (which is pretty pathetic), went home & took a hot shower & crawled into bed. Yoga counts as exercise...doesn't it??? Well Paula told me to continue to do some yoga on Saturday (suuuuuuuure Paula, I'll get right on that..lol). Needless to say I didn't do any yoga on Saturday BUT John & I did some Sunday morning...Mylee even joined in with her own version of "downward dog"!!!!
I made John take a pic of me for proof for Paula. : )

Paula & I

I didn't know massage was part of my session. Me happy!


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