Monday, November 16, 2009

Flag Football

Before our annual Pre-Thanksgiving dinner this year we decided to have a friendly game of flag football. Team Tower Shooters (Captain Big G, Sue, John, me, Tracey, Tom, Jack, Claire, Jamie, and Bobby) vs Team SC (Captain Uncle John, Brad, Drew, Mom N, Howard, and Paula). I had to sit this one out but honestly, it might have been more fun on the sidelines watching everyone & taking pictures. The weather was crappy so pics didn't turn out as clear as I would have liked BUT doens't it add to the feel of the game? I think Johnny might have just started another annual event!

Our names: Juggs (for obvious reasons) & "G"

Team SC
Chef, Country Slim, Yoga Queen, What's Cookin, The Boss, Rev Howie

Sue & Big G

In Play

Team Tower Shooters huddle to go over their next play


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