Monday, November 2, 2009

It WAS A Happy Halloween!!!!!

Saturday morning the Yearwood/Schloicka crew came down for our Halloween weekend. We ended up having the Guadagno/Golon/Nelson crew come over for some trick or treating and pizza party. It ended up being a really fun time. Watching the kids trick or treat brought back some great memories- wish we could all get together like that every year. One thing missing from our Halloween get-together....THE FRIED DOUGH that John has been talking about doing!!! Oh well, there is alway's next year, right?

This is what we pulled up to after hitting Goodwill...see what happens when you leave Uncle John alone with the girls?? lol (yes, that would be them in a pile of leaves in the road as opposed to on the front lawn)

Kinda freaky...don't you think?

Robyn, Brian & I took the girls to the Burr Enchanted Mansion- so cute!! Each room has a different theme where they do a quick skit.

Halloween pics at the house (hi Nellie!)

This is my favorite of the night

Even the guys got into the Halloween spirit!

The Golons
Grammy Nelson & Claire

First house...Jack decided to go in & visit with Doug and their dog Champ.

Too cute

What an awesome helper Kaelyn was with Jack (where did my little girl go??)

I don't know how many times I've told John he needs a haircut
Jack was all about the dogs at the houses

Big G, Sue, Jack & Claire

Late night fun

Even Claire didn't want to miss out on the fun

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