Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend Update

Wow, do I have a bunch of GREAT pics from this weekend (rolling my eyes).
Friday I had the day off & laid low since I wasn't feeling 100%. Saturday the grocery store Fresh Market (big rat store) was giving out samples of their Thanksgiving meal- John & I stopped in right in time for "lunch"! How smart are we? Saturday night we went out with Caitlin & Dan- no pics because Preggers Walsh won't allow any pics of her big pregnant belly (she's having triplets!!!). Sunday I headed up to Warwick to see the girls perform at Cheerfest & to pop in to see Tara. John was excited to get rid of me for the afternoon so he could have the guys over to watch the Dolphins game. : )

Can you beat a free lunch? eeheehee

Lovely pic of Tara & I courtesy of Max

Kaelyn after her cheer was over

Miss Madelyn striking a pose

Here's a little bit of Maddie's cheer- my battery went dead so I didn't get to record the whole thing. She is in the back row, all the way to the left

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