Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bad Baby Girls

So last night after returning from my ModMa meeting I went to hang up my coat on the coat rack & noticed my expensive Via Spiga coat was missing. OH MY GOD. And I knew exactly where to find it....up on our dog hair infested bed. That's right, Tortilla likes to drag articles of clothing into bed with her. Most of the time she'll pick stuff out of the dirty clothes hamper or take a shoe or one of the girls stuffed animals if they've left them out up to the bed. Sometimes she just likes to lay on the articles of clothing, I guess because they have our smell on them....Sometimes she is naughty & decides to chew buttons off articles of clothing or noses off stuffed animals. Anyways, I was furious that she had taken my good coat up there...but thankfully this was one of those times she just decided to lay on the coat. I yelled anyways so she knew that what she did was not ok (mean Mommy, I know)....but maybe it worked? Look at how guilty they look (both of them knowing they are in trouble but Mylee probably thinking "thanks Tortilla, you got me in trouble...AGAIN"). They both climbed into their doggie bed looks just as guilty as the other....but still, aren't they just so damn cute? ahahha

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