Monday, November 30, 2009

Amy's Baby Shower

This past Saturday was Amy's baby cute are the center pieces & cupcakes Dottie & Laurie made?!!!

Preggers Amy x2

Dinner With Friends

Friday night we met our closest friends for dinner at Tengda- Mmmm Good.
From left to right is:
Paul, Katie, Amy, Jeff, John, myself, Colleen, and David.

Gutting It

This weekend John started gutting the spare room which will turned into the babies room. It's the last room in the entire house that had not been redone- we had just painted the walls & redone the hardwood floors. My handy dandy husband is doing all the work himself...guess Bobby O taught him a thing or two!

Here's an older pic of what the room used to look like:

And here is the exact same corner of the room-notice how the pic appears kinda blurry? That is all the dust flying around in the this leads me to wonder...where are John's goggles??

Tortilla knows how important it is not to breathe in those particles!

And Miss Moo knows that safety comes first!

Friday, November 27, 2009


We had Mom N, Howard, Chris, Tracey, Tom, Jack & Claire over to our house to celebrate Thanksgiving. Oh my God- what a feast! Being preggers is a great excuse to gorge yourself..heeheehee. Unfortunately, the only pic I got from the day was of Jack sitting in Claire's bouncer seat. It vibrates & lays back...this is Jack watching the football game with the guys. Now John says he wants one too. *rolling my eyes*

Monday, November 23, 2009

Did You Vote?

Ok people, I knoooooooooooooooooow there are a lot more than 6 of you reading this blog- which means you are probably reading the baby blog where's all the baby gender votes??? There are only 9 votes so far- 1 mine, 1 Johns, 1 Robyns (that I know for sure) where are all the other ones? Click on the Baby Guadagno blog (on the right hand side of this blog) and enter your vote for whether John & I are having a boy or a girl! I just updated the blog with pics of my belly from this weekend so that should help you with your decision.

Beach Weather In November???

Puppies got to go to the beach this weekend! It was sunny & warm...I almost wished we had brought a blanket along with us so we could lay out & enjoy the sun on our faces.

Even warm enough for a quick dip!

Friday, November 20, 2009

This Is Why You Gotta Love Stew's

During my lunch break today I met Katie at Stew's to show her the ropes of the store (she's never been before). We filled our bellies on samples & then grabbed baby cones on the way out. Look at the size of these king crab legs on sale for $7.99 a lb. They are worthy of making it on the blog!!! : )

Thursday, November 19, 2009

People Are Insane In The Membrane

Recent Ebay sales include an Anthro sweater that I bought last season for $40 and wore many times. It's gotten too small for me now (eck) so I thought I'd be happy to get $20+ bucks for it. Well it just sold for $103.50!!!!!!! Did you hear what I just said???? $103.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the other thing I made some good money on was an Anthro skirt I got at Goodwill for $10. That sold for $30.01. Who pays that for used clothes????


Bad Baby Girls

So last night after returning from my ModMa meeting I went to hang up my coat on the coat rack & noticed my expensive Via Spiga coat was missing. OH MY GOD. And I knew exactly where to find it....up on our dog hair infested bed. That's right, Tortilla likes to drag articles of clothing into bed with her. Most of the time she'll pick stuff out of the dirty clothes hamper or take a shoe or one of the girls stuffed animals if they've left them out up to the bed. Sometimes she just likes to lay on the articles of clothing, I guess because they have our smell on them....Sometimes she is naughty & decides to chew buttons off articles of clothing or noses off stuffed animals. Anyways, I was furious that she had taken my good coat up there...but thankfully this was one of those times she just decided to lay on the coat. I yelled anyways so she knew that what she did was not ok (mean Mommy, I know)....but maybe it worked? Look at how guilty they look (both of them knowing they are in trouble but Mylee probably thinking "thanks Tortilla, you got me in trouble...AGAIN"). They both climbed into their doggie bed looks just as guilty as the other....but still, aren't they just so damn cute? ahahha

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How Friggin Cute

Look at these adorable pics of our cute little nephew Jack & niece Claire. How friggin cute are they????

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yoga + Amy = Ouchie!!!!!

Friday night I went over to Mom N's so I could have a 1 on 1 yoga session with the Yoga Queen herself. Paula was amazing- very calm, reassuring & super patient with my totally out of shape body. I left there in pain (which is pretty pathetic), went home & took a hot shower & crawled into bed. Yoga counts as exercise...doesn't it??? Well Paula told me to continue to do some yoga on Saturday (suuuuuuuure Paula, I'll get right on Needless to say I didn't do any yoga on Saturday BUT John & I did some Sunday morning...Mylee even joined in with her own version of "downward dog"!!!!
I made John take a pic of me for proof for Paula. : )

Paula & I

I didn't know massage was part of my session. Me happy!


Monday, November 16, 2009

Love Her

9th Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner

This past weekend was our annual Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner and I have to say, I think it was one of the best ones ever! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Sibling Love

The Guadagno's famous stuffed mushrooms
Mom N & Paula

Tower Shooters Jack

Uncle John, Drew, Claire & Brad

As Captain of the Tower Shooters, Big G accepted the "trophy" for the winning team!

Team Tower Shooters- Winna Winna Winners!!!!

Brad & AP

This group looks beat up!!!!

Uncle John, Howard, Nellie, Mom N, Paula & John

Drew, Bobby & Brad

Big Hurt, Lovely, me, Chris & Sarah

Flag Football

Before our annual Pre-Thanksgiving dinner this year we decided to have a friendly game of flag football. Team Tower Shooters (Captain Big G, Sue, John, me, Tracey, Tom, Jack, Claire, Jamie, and Bobby) vs Team SC (Captain Uncle John, Brad, Drew, Mom N, Howard, and Paula). I had to sit this one out but honestly, it might have been more fun on the sidelines watching everyone & taking pictures. The weather was crappy so pics didn't turn out as clear as I would have liked BUT doens't it add to the feel of the game? I think Johnny might have just started another annual event!

Our names: Juggs (for obvious reasons) & "G"

Team SC
Chef, Country Slim, Yoga Queen, What's Cookin, The Boss, Rev Howie

Sue & Big G

In Play

Team Tower Shooters huddle to go over their next play


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yearbook Yourself!!!!!

Ha! See the things I have time to do while at work? I just found a website where you can insert a pic of yourself & it will bring you back to highschool yearbooks! Click here if you want to try it out for yourself!

To tell you the truth...I really did have hair like this in '92!



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