Thursday, September 8, 2011

So Funny!

Watch this video! I'm crying at my desk!!! Click here.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Great News

While on our staycation Tortilla had to have a growth on her lip removed. It was tested & found to be cancer! Thankfully it was caught early & all the cancer was removed. Poor puppy had lymes disease AND technically, cancer both in the last few months. We are happy to report now though that she is bouncing around & acting like a 2 yr old puppy (she's 7).

Yeah Rainbow!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jackpot Baby!!!!

If you "liked" Pier 1 on Facebook you were able to print out a coupon for $10 off of a purchase of $10 or more. Hello! That is FREE STUFF!!! So I printed off a bunch of the coupons & made a few trips to the Westport store since it is literally right on my way home & one trip to the Fairfield store after dinner one night. My trusty & very faithful sidekicks, John & Marnie, even made a couple of trips with me to use a coupon. How supportive are they?!!! ; )

I got $205 worth of items for $11.98!!!!!!
Here's what I got:

  • 2 reusable plastic cups w/ lid & straw (which, I really wanted & was going to buy at Marshalls anyways!!)

  • 3 candles

  • pillow

  • wood picture frame

  • soap scrub

  • monkey tea pitcher

  • casserole dish (orig $22, on clearance- I paid .44)

  • 3 white serving dishes

  • cheese grater

  • bird spoon rest

  • tissues (filler to make the $10 on one purchase)

  • beverage tag

  • pie/cake knife & server

  • little red dish (for rings, etc)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hot Rods

Mom N & Howard stopped over yesterday to pay us a little visit. Take a look at these Hot Rods...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

$2.99 For 2 Bottles Of Wine Shipped, Thank You Very Much!

There's so many of these new daily sale websites popping up all over the web & most offer $5 or $10 credit just for signing up. Lot18 is a new website that sells wine, cheese/meat & related wine accessories. I got $20 just for signing up! And, when you sign up to get their daily emails they have specials with free shipping. Sooooo...I got 2 bottles of wine today for $2.99 total shipped!!!!!

You know how I love a deal!!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yeah!!! He's Alive!

For the last few years I have seen this old guy driving around Westport in a Mercedes jeep with his trusty sidekick with him. It actually would make me smile every time I saw them, thinking how sweet it was that the guy would always have his best friend with him. The last few months I've seen the old guy driving around...without his buddy. So I sadly thought the dog had passed away. : (

But guess who I saw this morning on my way to work!!!!!

Yeah!!! He's alive!
Totally made my day!!!!!

...and incase you are worried about the dog falling out the back, there is a makeshift chain that allows him to move around inside the jeep

Monday, June 20, 2011

Night Out

Yeah! A night out for Mama & Papa Guadagno!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

8 Year Anniversary

Yesterday was our 8 year wedding anniversary. 8 years!!!!! Time flies.
So John surprised me and took me to a Yankee/Red Sox game to celebrate- right up our alley. We did our traditional 'buy a $2 hotdog outside the stadium before going in' move...they charge $5 for dogs inside! See, us Guadagno's are always looking to save a couple bucks!
The seats we had were great, we were right next to the Red Sox bullpen & got to watch the starting pitcher warm up. It obviously would have been cooler if it was the Yankee bullpen, but still it was neat to watch. Two of Johns goods friends, Matty & Dave, were at the game too so we met up with them in between innings.
Nice night out with my husband. Thanks Grammy & Grampy for staying up late & watching Marnie for us so we could have a night out.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Am I the only one who makes waffles w/ syrup for breakfast at work? I have to wasn't the same without sausages....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

John & I Have A New BFF

2 weeks ago John & I bought a Roomba iRobot vacuum. It is the BEST THING EVER. I have no idea how we lived without it. All you have to do is push the little button in the middle of the vacuum & off it goes. And it gets everywhere & everything. It's even so flat it fits under all of our furniture so it's getting all of the dust bunnies that have been living there for...gosh, who knows how long. But let's just say it must be a very long time because this sucker's filter is full every single day. It is UNREAL how much it picks up. Last night was the first time in two weeks that it actually made it back to the charging dock on it's own (it's supposed to do it's cleaning & then head back to the charging dock to charge itself). The vacuum has been picking up soooooo much dust & dirt & dog hair it runs out of juice before making it back. Ooopsie. But just think about how clean my house is now! Yeah!

This was last night's & this mornings collection of dirt.
Can you say "Whoa!!!!!!!"?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Family Vehicle

John & I have been talking about getting a larger family vehicle with third row seating and lots of storage space. Our choices have slowly been dwindling down to the Honda Pilot or the Honda Odyssey....which, van. *gulp* Just the word makes me cringe. But I have to say, it's got some pretty sweet perks: sliding door, dvd players, collapsible third row seating, more than $400 a year savings in gas compared to the Pilot...but again, let's's a mini van. How does one go from owning an Audi & a Range Rover to owning a mini van??? Ugh.

John & I exchanged emails about the two vehicles is part of his email:

"I'd probably pick the Pilot. I like the 4 wheel drive & would like some manhood left after all of this...."
Ahahaha...what about my womanhood???

A mini van. *sigh*

Monday, April 18, 2011

Poor Tortilla

Rainbow's been a little under the weather...we just found out she has Lyme's disease. Poor muffin.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Do you remember how much snow we got her in CT over the past couple of months? Remember how we got slammed twice in almost a week? It's slowwwwwly been melting. It's been raining pretty hard the last few days so I'm sure it will be all gone today or tomorrow.

Remember this snow pile in our driveway?

This is what is left of it!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Girls Night

Friday night Colleen & I went to see Bethenny Frankel from The Real Housewifes of NYC do one of her Skinnygirl lectures. There was a room filled with about 1,800 women wanting to know all the inside gossip about the show. Do you watch it? Her hubby Jason even made a guest appearance on stage. Hysterical. Women went crazy... As if he was part of a male revue! My guess is they were all bombed on Skinnygirl margaritas!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oh Man...Am I On A Roll!

I never knew how many things you could get for FREE just buy using coupons & watching out for weekly deals at stores like CVS, Rite Aid & Walgreens. With all 3 of these stores within a 5 mile radius of our house I have been hitting them up like crazy! Here's what I got this week alone:

Rite Aid-
Orig cost: $64.27
I paid: $2.34
(and please would have been cheaper but John wanted me to buy the yellow balloon for Marnie...that kid is lucky I like her)

Orig cost: $31.69
I paid: $4.63 I come!!!!!

Makes You Want To Laugh

Check out this youtube video of a baby laughing! My mouth hurts from smiling/laughing.

Click here!

Monday, February 14, 2011

NYC Valentine's Weekend

Wow. We forgot what it was like when it was just the two of us. Freeeedom!

John & I had a wonderful time in New York city this past weekend. The Yearwood/Schloicka clan took Marnie & Grammy and Grampy took Tortilla & Mylee so we had all of Saturday and Sunday to do what we wanted. It was heaven.

We got into the city around 1:00pm & headed right to the Sofitel hotel where Brian had gotten us a sweet deal on a room. We settled in real quick & then headed out for lunch at the Stage Deli for some hot pastrami sandwiches. I fell in love with their menu- under the 'HEROES' section for sandwiches they had 4 different sandwiches to choose from: NYPD, NY Fire Dept., Rudy Guilani & Chelsey Sullenberger. After that we walked around near Times Square for a bit then headed to Aunt Paula's yoga studio for a couples Thai massage class. How fun is that?? A quick change after that took us to see 'Driving Miss Daisy' on Broadway featuring James Earl Jones. I loved it! After the play we went to a mexican restaurant & sat at the bar and had fruity tequilia drinks & cervazas. Into beddy bye by 12:05am!
Saturday morning we got up at 9:11am. Did you hear what I said? We woke up AFTER 9 O'CLOCK AM!!!!! Heavvven. We headed out for some NYC bagels & walked around some more. Later on we headed to Harlem for some good ol' soul food at Sylvia's. Not as good as we were hoping but nice to try something different. After lunch we headed home & you know what we did since we didn't have Marnie (she was staying over Robyn's until Monday night)...we CLEANED!! We did laundry, vacuumed, scrubbed the bathrooms, cleaned Marnie & our room from top to bottom. See all the fun you can have when you don't have a little one running around?

Well we had a really really nice Valentine's weekend & we can't wait to get away again. Check out Robyn's blog to see Marnie's weekend with them!

Thank you Brian!!!!

View of Times Square

Have you ever experienced a 'sign' that let's you know you are with the person you are meant to be with? John & I experienced it at the Stage Deli. We split a pastrami sandwich & it came with 2 kind that I love & John dislikes and one kind that John loves & I dislike. A perfect split.
A+J=true love forever

This was us in Paula's studio after we were done with her class

On our way to the Golden Theater
BTW- it was FREEEEZZZZING in NYC this weekend!

At dinner

In Times Square

We stopped in Toys R Us just so we could get warm & eat our bagels. John got chocolate milk to go along with his bagel & at one point I stuck it in my purse so I didn't have to carry it in my hand. You know what John said..out front of a guy & Geoffrey the Giraffe?
"Where's my milky?"
Ahahaha...guess he was still in Daddy mode
(look behind John- you can see the guy in the red t-shirt & Geoffrey)

Good Times....Good Times

Circa 2003
John, Uncle Jimmy & Bobby...this just isn't right.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just Call Me 'Lorraine Jr.'

So I've been addicted to a bunch of blogs lately that tell you where, how & when to buy certain items for super cheap using coupons & deals. Last week I hit Walgreens. Who shops at drug stores?? I NEVER did. That's just weird, right? Well hello, I'm a changed woman! These blogs are awesome. They even tell you HOW to get the best deal by combining coupons (which they provide the link for online printable coupons!), store sales and store rewards. CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid all participate in this- where you can buy certain products & recieve basically store credit back. For example, the Finesse shampoos & conditioners you see in the pic below were on sale at Rite Aid this week for 2/$6...& they also had a promotion: buy 2 and recieve $5 UP Reward on your next essentially you are paying $1.00 for 2! And they are originally priced at $3.99 each! I didn't have any coupons for the shampoo BUT if I did I could have gotten them for free probably. Well anyway, I ended up picking up other items & used coupons & saved big time(and kept doing separate transactions so I could use my $5 UP Rewards)...I was so proud of myself for saving so much! I even went home & laid the items out (exactly like you see) and said to John..."See what I got! It originally would have cost $62.34 ( I totally got the calculator out & added it all up!!!)...but guess how much I paid!"
His guess: $6.00
Damn him, that is annoying!!!!!
I paid $5.18 AND have a $5 coupon for my next shopping trip!!!

Yep. Lorraine Jr.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Can You Say "Deal Of The Century"???

I hit Marshalls last week & I have to share this amazing deal I got. It's THAT GOOD! So I got 2 pairs of these Pour La Victoire boots pictured below...originally price was $395.00 EACH....marked $170.00 at Marshalls...but guess how much I got them for on clearance.

$34 each!!!!!! I paid $68.00 instead of $790.00!!!!!!! Tell me that is not the deal of the century! They are still being sold on Zappo's for $197.50!

So I got a pair of chestnut & dark grey...the tops fold over & those black leather straps come off..they are GORGEOUS!

And yes, I totally think I am hot shit!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


While we were in Warwick this weekend John & I got to slip out for the night while Mom, Dad, Kaelyn & Maddie watched Marnie. So off we went to go bowling with Robyn & Brian and our friends Alison & Dave.
2 games. $5 a couple bets. Guadagno's win twice. Nuff said.

Winna Winna Winna's!!!!!

Take a look at the pins- 3 left...all apart.

Congrats to Alison & Dave who just got engaged this past week!

How did this happen?? Twice in one night- check out the pins!!

Yay! Yay! Yay! You know it!!!
Guadagno's are CHAMP-E-ONSSSSS!