Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just Call Me 'Lorraine Jr.'

So I've been addicted to a bunch of blogs lately that tell you where, how & when to buy certain items for super cheap using coupons & deals. Last week I hit Walgreens. Who shops at drug stores?? I NEVER did. That's just weird, right? Well hello, I'm a changed woman! These blogs are awesome. They even tell you HOW to get the best deal by combining coupons (which they provide the link for online printable coupons!), store sales and store rewards. CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid all participate in this- where you can buy certain products & recieve basically store credit back. For example, the Finesse shampoos & conditioners you see in the pic below were on sale at Rite Aid this week for 2/$6...& they also had a promotion: buy 2 and recieve $5 UP Reward on your next essentially you are paying $1.00 for 2! And they are originally priced at $3.99 each! I didn't have any coupons for the shampoo BUT if I did I could have gotten them for free probably. Well anyway, I ended up picking up other items & used coupons & saved big time(and kept doing separate transactions so I could use my $5 UP Rewards)...I was so proud of myself for saving so much! I even went home & laid the items out (exactly like you see) and said to John..."See what I got! It originally would have cost $62.34 ( I totally got the calculator out & added it all up!!!)...but guess how much I paid!"
His guess: $6.00
Damn him, that is annoying!!!!!
I paid $5.18 AND have a $5 coupon for my next shopping trip!!!

Yep. Lorraine Jr.

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