Tuesday, May 24, 2011

John & I Have A New BFF

2 weeks ago John & I bought a Roomba iRobot vacuum. It is the BEST THING EVER. I have no idea how we lived without it. All you have to do is push the little button in the middle of the vacuum & off it goes. And it gets everywhere & everything. It's even so flat it fits under all of our furniture so it's getting all of the dust bunnies that have been living there for...gosh, who knows how long. But let's just say it must be a very long time because this sucker's filter is full every single day. It is UNREAL how much it picks up. Last night was the first time in two weeks that it actually made it back to the charging dock on it's own (it's supposed to do it's cleaning & then head back to the charging dock to charge itself). The vacuum has been picking up soooooo much dust & dirt & dog hair it runs out of juice before making it back. Ooopsie. But just think about how clean my house is now! Yeah!

This was last night's & this mornings collection of dirt.
Can you say "Whoa!!!!!!!"?

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