Friday, July 9, 2010

Young Again

Last night was date night with my husband. I think he's been feeling a little bad for me that my social life is not quite what it used to be so he decided to take me out to dinner then down to Stamford for the outdoor summer concert series called Live at Five. The band Rusted Root was playing...for free! And you all know how I love the word free.

So we dropped Marnie off at Grammy & Grampy's and then headed to Brasitas for some Brazilian food. YummO! That's where I started to feel young again...the young bus boy called me 'MISS'! Wahoooo! I could punch people when they call me Ma'm. So that was the start of a good night. After we filled our bellies we went to the concert. We bumped into our friend Adam & then headed up to the stage to listen to the music. As we made our way up...I noticed...all the young 'kids'...and then it happened. I FELT OLD. REAL OLD. LIKE OLD FART OLD. I guess it has to happen some time, right? Regardless, we had a good time & when the band played "Send Me On My Way" it brought back great memories & John and I were young again, dancing & singing along with all the 20 something year olds. Good for us.

Click here for a video of the song "Send Me On My Way".

John & Adam

The outdoor stage

This was when I felt young again...

Yes, we were amongst these youngins

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