Saturday, July 31, 2010


This morning John, Marnie & I went to some tag sales and then around lunch time we went downtown & had sandwiches outside at the Fireside Deli. It was really a perfect day to be outside. With our bellies full we headed home & all took a nap. A much needed nap, at that. 3:30pm we headed over to the Little Gym to join Tracey's Modma group in a free for all play time. Marnie was a bit too young to join in on the fun but we watched from the sidelines.
After we left there we quick ran home & picked up the dogs & headed to the high school so the dogs could run around. Poor dogs have been neglected since you-know-who came into the picture. I think we won back some brownie points with them though......for now.

Notice Marnie using her big toe for support. Ha! That thing is good for something!

This is us hanging at the high school field

Mylee gave Tortilla a kissy!
What a good sister

This was the best pic I got of me & Mylee! hahaha

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