Saturday, July 3, 2010

Levitt Pavillion

Since we had the girls for a week I tried to plan different things for us to do. On our list was going to the Westport Levitt Pavillion for a kids concert. Whoopsie. Not quite our age demographic. There was a field full of little screaming kids and the only word to describe what we saw was: MAYHEM. So we left there & decided to go to the beach in Fairfield to go on the swings. We dropped Marnie off at Grammy & Grampy's so that us "older folk" could have a little bit of time to ourselves. Maddie won the "who can go the highest on the swings" contest. I forgot my camera in the diaper bag so no pics from the beach...but let me just tell you that night was beautiful. There was a gorgeous light blue sky with light pink streaks. A wonderful photo op.....ergh.

This is John & Maddie telling us we gotta get the heck outta there.

The girls refused to let me get a pic of them with the duck. Booo- our little girls are growing up!

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