Saturday, July 31, 2010


This morning John, Marnie & I went to some tag sales and then around lunch time we went downtown & had sandwiches outside at the Fireside Deli. It was really a perfect day to be outside. With our bellies full we headed home & all took a nap. A much needed nap, at that. 3:30pm we headed over to the Little Gym to join Tracey's Modma group in a free for all play time. Marnie was a bit too young to join in on the fun but we watched from the sidelines.
After we left there we quick ran home & picked up the dogs & headed to the high school so the dogs could run around. Poor dogs have been neglected since you-know-who came into the picture. I think we won back some brownie points with them though......for now.

Notice Marnie using her big toe for support. Ha! That thing is good for something!

This is us hanging at the high school field

Mylee gave Tortilla a kissy!
What a good sister

This was the best pic I got of me & Mylee! hahaha

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Do you see these two dogs? They are beggers.

Do you see the second drawer down? That is their treat drawer.

And when little Miss Tortilla Rainbow wants a treat she'll go sit in front of the drawer & just stare at it. She is so damn smart. And cute. And Mylee just follows in her footsteps (or pawprints if you wanna be technical) & sits there too.

Free Museum Passes!

Check out this link to get 2 free passes to many different museums in your area sponsored by the Smithsonian Magazine. You heard what I said..right? FREE!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How Cool

How cool is this? There are now websites/businesses out there that will turn your blog into a book! What a great idea! I think my blog is almost like a diary..right? How neat would it be to have it turned into a book one day & then be able to look back & be like "ohhh yeah, remember when we went to the Britney Spears concert?"..or.. "wasn't that fun taking the Ennnglanders to the Yankee game"..or.."look at this pic of John at Great Adventure".'s so much easier than keeping a photo scrapbook! No need to print the pictures out, cut them to size, glue them in & then write little comments next to each one about who/what/why/where/when.
I think it's a fantastic idea!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Can you say HEAVEN? I had an hour & a half massage today. Oh wait, I mean an hour & a half rub. In December, before I was a super huge preggers I became a member at Massage Envy and went for a massage every month. Obviously at that time I had to get the prenatal massages, which consisted of a soft pillow under my head, a long mushy pillow between my legs & me laying on my sides. I loved it. It was so cozy in that little massage cocoon. So...after getting a regular massage these last 2 months I decided I liked the prenatal massage style much better. So for my 90 minute massage today I had her rub me & then for the last 15 minutes give me a head/face/scalp massage.
I love my massuese Jocelyn.

Here's my massage cocoon:

And here is my puffy, out of control hair after she went to town on my scalp.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Jack's Magic Trick

Looks like John has some competition in the magic department. Check out Jack's levitation trick!!!!


Day At The Beach

We had Kaelyn & Maddie for the week again so Tara & her boys came up for the day & we all headed to the beach. Miss Marnie spent the afternoon with Grammy since it was too hot & she can't be out in the sun yet. We all had a great day & I even got some it.

The crew


Jack & Kaelyn


We got there while it was low tide- perfect for playing in the water!

How much easier could watching kids be at the beach be??


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


What's better than hot oil pizza's in Stamford? Hot oil pizza's in Fairfield!! Yes, they opened up in our own town...I think John has lost track of how many times he's been there already in the last 2 months.
Anyway, we met Howard & Mom N there and filled our bellies with that yummy goodness known as Colony pizza.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Young Again

Last night was date night with my husband. I think he's been feeling a little bad for me that my social life is not quite what it used to be so he decided to take me out to dinner then down to Stamford for the outdoor summer concert series called Live at Five. The band Rusted Root was playing...for free! And you all know how I love the word free.

So we dropped Marnie off at Grammy & Grampy's and then headed to Brasitas for some Brazilian food. YummO! That's where I started to feel young again...the young bus boy called me 'MISS'! Wahoooo! I could punch people when they call me Ma'm. So that was the start of a good night. After we filled our bellies we went to the concert. We bumped into our friend Adam & then headed up to the stage to listen to the music. As we made our way up...I noticed...all the young 'kids'...and then it happened. I FELT OLD. REAL OLD. LIKE OLD FART OLD. I guess it has to happen some time, right? Regardless, we had a good time & when the band played "Send Me On My Way" it brought back great memories & John and I were young again, dancing & singing along with all the 20 something year olds. Good for us.

Click here for a video of the song "Send Me On My Way".

John & Adam

The outdoor stage

This was when I felt young again...

Yes, we were amongst these youngins

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hangin with Poppy & Noni Sue

Monday afternoon we headed over to Noni Sue's for a BBQ & some swimming. Good eats, great company, always a nice time.

Poppy & his 3 kiddos

4th of July & Lobsters

Sunday we had the family over to our house for some swimming and lobsters & corn. Perfect for a 4th of July celebration.

You gotta love her...right??!!!

Awe, Grammy with her granbabies...ahahaha...this pic is HYSTERICAL!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Coach Plays Soccer






It sucks getting old.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Pussycat!

Kaelyn turned 10 today so John & I made her and Maddie our specialty breakfast: yummy waffles with warm blackberries, fresh whip cream, syrup and sausages on the side.

Woof Woof!

Hi Old Man
(ergh- blog keeps turning my pic)