Monday, June 14, 2010


I love James Taylor. It's as simple as that. I'm not sure if it was post pregnancy hormones or what but I got teary eyed when he & Carole King came out on stage last night at their concert. He is just so good. They played most of the songs that they played on their original 1970 Troubadour Tour- which really are mostly the songs now found on both of their greatest hits cds. Mom N & Howard graciously agreed to watch Marnie so we could go to the concert (did I mention this was my 7th time seeing him? and yes, there will be an 8th..and a 9th..and a 10th). So a big public THANK YOU to them for letting ME have a wonderful night out with my main man James...I mean John.

What do you think? I look a little:
a) overcome with giddiness at seeing JT
b) drunk
c) delirious from lack of sleep

This is the main stage that revolved in a circle around intimate little table & chairs with little lamps. Those people were lucky ducks! (no jealousy here....)

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