Monday, June 28, 2010

Camp Guadagno

Since I have off over the summer for maternity leave Kaelyn & Maddie opted to come to our house for a few weeks out of the summer instead of going to camp. In exchange for staying here they have 2 jobs each that they must due daily & they also have to help out with the baby (which isn't considered a job since they fight over who can hold her, feed her and change her diaper....cha ching!!! Does it get any better than that???). Maddie has to feed the dogs & water the plants on the front porch. Kaelyn has to turn the pool filter on & get the mail. And in addition to that they each get one job a day to do- today Maddie had to wash off the counters & Kaelyn had to vacuum. Not hard, right?

You'd think I worked these kids to the bone....check out how I found them sleeping this morning.

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