Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lights Out

Last night the electricity went out for about 2 hours so I took the opportunity to get some things done that I've been putting off- like writing Thank You cards, unfolding the rest of the diapers from the diaper cake that I got at my shower and paying bills. John took a ride around the neighborhood to see who had electricity & who didn't to get an idea of where we stood with getting ours back. Marnie opted to sleep through the whole thing, go figure.

This is the kitchen/living room taken with the flash on

This is with the flash off...this is how we hung out for 2 hours

Since Marnie slept most of the evening she was up late- clock says 11:17pm but she didn't go down until about 12:30. Looks like she beat her ol man up, huh?

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