Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So John & I went to bed last night around 10:00pm. The girls wanted to stay up to watch the end of their show so I told them they could watch tv downstairs and when their show was over to shut off the tv & lights and go up to bed. 2:oo in the morning I get up to feed the baby & notice that the lights are still on downstairs. I figured those stinkers forgot to shut the lights off. Uhhhh..no. They fell asleep on the couch together and this is how I found them.
FYI- I will never sleep in the same bed as them, that's for sure.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Camp Guadagno

Since I have off over the summer for maternity leave Kaelyn & Maddie opted to come to our house for a few weeks out of the summer instead of going to camp. In exchange for staying here they have 2 jobs each that they must due daily & they also have to help out with the baby (which isn't considered a job since they fight over who can hold her, feed her and change her diaper....cha ching!!! Does it get any better than that???). Maddie has to feed the dogs & water the plants on the front porch. Kaelyn has to turn the pool filter on & get the mail. And in addition to that they each get one job a day to do- today Maddie had to wash off the counters & Kaelyn had to vacuum. Not hard, right?

You'd think I worked these kids to the bone....check out how I found them sleeping this morning.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I love James Taylor. It's as simple as that. I'm not sure if it was post pregnancy hormones or what but I got teary eyed when he & Carole King came out on stage last night at their concert. He is just so good. They played most of the songs that they played on their original 1970 Troubadour Tour- which really are mostly the songs now found on both of their greatest hits cds. Mom N & Howard graciously agreed to watch Marnie so we could go to the concert (did I mention this was my 7th time seeing him? and yes, there will be an 8th..and a 9th..and a 10th). So a big public THANK YOU to them for letting ME have a wonderful night out with my main man James...I mean John.

What do you think? I look a little:
a) overcome with giddiness at seeing JT
b) drunk
c) delirious from lack of sleep

This is the main stage that revolved in a circle around intimate little table & chairs with little lamps. Those people were lucky ducks! (no jealousy here....)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tie Dying

Tuesday's project was tie dying! It was sunny & beautiful out, perfect for doing something outside. What's better than home made tie dye t-shirts? John bought Marnie an iPood white t-shirt the day before so us girls opted to tie dye that shirt for the baby. We also did 2 onesies...they all came out great!

The finished products!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

1 Month & 7 Years

Yesterday Marnie turned 1 month old & it was also our 7 year wedding anniversary. Can you believe it? Robyn & the girls are visiting so they watched Marnie so John & I could go out for dinner & dessert. We had a really nice night- we went to Martels for dinner then stopped at The Braissiere for crepes, coffee & an after dinner cordial. We came home to find Marnie & Robyn's passed out on the couch & the girls fast asleep on the living room floor. Who was watching who???

Here's some pics before we headed out for dinner- what a cute little family...

Colony Pizza & The Walsh's

Sunday night the Walsh clan came over for Colony Grill pizza (it opened in Fairfield!!!) and to meet Marnie. It was a zoo in our house & we loved it. Can't wait for more family visits!

Teddy, Caitlin, Caroline, Emmie, Marnie & Dan

Tell me this is not the cutest pic- looks like Emerson got Caitlins ears...Not!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No More SBD's

So here I am, cleaning up in the living room...I just got Marnie down for her morning nap...and the tv is on in the background. There's a commercial on & I catch the part where they say "No more SBD's". Wha?? Huh?? So of course that draws my attention right in. For those of you who don't know what SBD stands for it means "silent but deadly"...as in quiet farts that could burn the hair right out of your nonstrils. The commercial is for a blanket that claims it will help save your marriage by eliminating farts in bed...it's name? The Better Marriage Blanket. I love it. Says it would make a great wedding or anniversary gift...ahahahha...we arrrrre going to three weddings this year..whaddya think?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

John Says This Is Blog Worthy.....

and I agree!!!! Click here to watch a video of the Yankees Chan Ho Park. Check out Mariano Riveria in the background...HYSTERICAL!

Lights Out

Last night the electricity went out for about 2 hours so I took the opportunity to get some things done that I've been putting off- like writing Thank You cards, unfolding the rest of the diapers from the diaper cake that I got at my shower and paying bills. John took a ride around the neighborhood to see who had electricity & who didn't to get an idea of where we stood with getting ours back. Marnie opted to sleep through the whole thing, go figure.

This is the kitchen/living room taken with the flash on

This is with the flash off...this is how we hung out for 2 hours

Since Marnie slept most of the evening she was up late- clock says 11:17pm but she didn't go down until about 12:30. Looks like she beat her ol man up, huh?