Monday, January 25, 2010

Yup, I'm What You Might Call A.......

Domestic Diva! Mom N came over Sunday morning to show me how to make her famous pasta sauce. It's so much easier to learn how to cook something once you've been shown all the steps & have written them down for the next attempt at making it. Can I just say how yummy my sauce came out? Momma might have competition now!! *wink* So Mom N & Howard came back over for dinner to check out how I did...I think I did pretty good for my first time (ok, so I mostly watched as she showed me how to do everything..BUT..I did have to keep stirring the sauce for 3 hours with out burning it so that counts for something- right?). I even made a chocolate cake for dessert (no, not homemade people...Betty helped me). BABY STEPS!!!

FYI: I made my apron in 4-H with Aunt Millie when I was still in elementary school! : )

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